Monday, May 31, 2010

Salvaged Carpet Bag

This is my very first attempt to make anything like this. I have been wanting to create a reusable bag for ages out of salvaged/recycled materials. I have about 10 Publix and Whole Foods reusable bags, but I wanted a special one.
I had 2 vintage dining room chairs, and when they fell apart I couldn't imagine throwing away their seat covers/upholstery. So I took the fabric off the wooden seats, (which was a grueling and kinda gross task) washed them, and saved them.
This bag is made from 2 vintage upholstery seat covers and 1 pair of corduroy pants from my closet.
The inside is made from the vintage fabric leftover from my adorable cafe curtains and a scrap piece of vintage cotton/blend all from my friend Jerry.

It turned out bigger than expected, but I love it.
I feel like Mary Poppins with a huge carpet bag, but that mades it even more endearing.

Recycled Cottonblend headbands

I have tons of these headbands around because they are so perfect to wear to the gym or when I do yoga. They soak up all the sweat, then I throw them in the wash with the rest of my laundry.
Convenient, stylish, and oh so DIY.
They are made with scrap material or old cut up t-shirts.

Vintage Upholstery Headbands

So lovely. Such an unexpected find in the very back on the top shelf of a hole-in-the-wall fabric/upholstery/lineloneum store in Little Havana.
All headbands have a small piece of elastic at the base of head in back.

Beaded Sun Catchers

I love bright, cheery window decorations. Here I made beaded sun catchers using beads and charms and little bells on the ends to twinkle in the wind.
I have 3 hanging in my shower window, and one on the light string to my ceiling fan.

Vintage Coaster Mobiles

I bought one of these (far left in the window curtain pic) at an indie craft fair from a talented artist, Hollie. After, I became completely obsessed.
Vintage paper coasters and hemp.